On vacation I made way to the backyard for my post run workouts; plyometrics, strength training, Pilates, and stretching. On this particular day Ryan decided to join me while I went through a few rounds of Tabata to get in some tough no equipment bodyweight exercises in a short amount of time, so with him out there I got him to snap some photos so I could share the workout with all of you! I did three rounds of Tabata using groups of the following exercises, all of which were done on an elevated platform...a deck rail, a step, or bench will do the trick just fine.
Round 1
Exercise 1: Tricep Dips
10 Second Rest
Exercise 2: Tricep Push-ups
continue to repeat for the 4 minute duration
Round 2:
Exercise 1: Right Side Plank hold with alternating bringing your knee in and forward hip flexion.
10 Second Rest: Center Plank
Exercis 2: Left Side Plank hold with alternating bringing your knee in and forward hip flexion.
10 Second Rest: Center
continue to repeat for the 4 minute duration
Round 3:
Exercise 1: Right Side Step-ups with Posterior Leg Hip Extension. Using your glutes and hamstrings, make sure to keep your core engaged to keep the movement from occurring in your lumbar spine. Focus on a slow and controlled lowering movement to work your knee stabilizing muscles.
10 Second Rest: Stationary Squats (not pictured)
Exercise 2: Left Side Step-ups with Posterior Leg Hip Extension
continue to repeat for the 4 minute duration
Remember if any of these exercises are not right for you at this time choose an alternative exercise that works the same muscle groups.
How do you take your workouts outside?
Have a wonderful weekend!