Whether we want to admit it or not the holidays are coming, and they are coming fast! I try to encourage my clients to get ahead of the holidays, including stepping up their workout game. Make sure to plan your workouts, especially if you will be traveling. Check out local gyms, classes, ask your family members if you can join them, sign up for a race or....do one of my many no equipment needed workouts! There really are NO EXCUSES.
Everyone has 15 minutes and if you have more time repeat 2-3x! Remember to warm-up properly and modify exercises as needed. Proper cool-down and stretching help to reduce soreness and injury.
Beat the Boredom Treadmill Workout.
Last weekend the hubby and I headed to New Jersey along with my parents to visit my grandma. We had a great time visiting my grandma but a lot of time is spent sitting and talking, which is wonderful but I crave movement. I am so lucky to have parents who put exercise as a priority just like I do, especially when they travel too. First thing in the morning we always head out for a walk for some fresh air and some steps but the weather was not cooperating and not exercising is NOT an option, so my mom and I headed to the very small hotel gym. There was one elliptical and one treadmill, a bench, some free weights, a mat, and a stability ball. I hit the treadmill and my mom took the elliptical for a fabulous cardio session followed by some core work!
I don't mind running on a treadmill in class but when I am on my own it can be hard to get in a solid workout without someone else pushing me and the energy of class. I try to create workouts for myself that will keep me engaged, challenged, and tap into my competitive nature. The run below progressively gets more challenging and kept me moving for a good solid 4 miles and a good sweat session! Choose speeds that challenge you and push you out of your comfort zone, that's how we get better!
20 Minute No Equipment Needed Killer Cardio Session!
Happy Wednesday! Summer travel is just starting to pick up for me and my clients but that's no excuse to miss your workout. In a few weeks we head to a family vacation where I plan on not only working out but leading a few family sweat sessions with probably no equipment, No FRET! My bootcamp class killed this cardio workout today and left drenched, ENJOY!
How are you staying fit while traveling this summer?
A quick and sweaty workout session!
Today's workout is a very quick cardio session you can toss into the middle of your strength training workout to up your heart rate or it can stand alone. Done once, twice, or three times it's a good challenge and you will feel worked!
Make sure to properly warm-up, cool-down and stretch before any workout. Remember to modify an exercise that does not feel appropriate for your body.
Half Burpee: Plant your heads down and find a position. Hop your feet in towards your hands lifting your hips high and hop them back out to your plank position.
Criss Cross Knee Touch: Start with your feet hip width distance apart, then begin by crossing your right foot over your left, hop to place your left foot over your right, and then jump both of your knees up to your chest and touching your hands to your knees.
Questions about any of the other exercises leave a note and I will be sure to get back to you!